
Erstaunliche Fakten Über Die Freie Fahrstreifenwahl Bei Kraftfahrzeugen

Free lane choice: An overview

Definition of free lane selection

Free lane choice describes the rule that motor vehicles may use any lane of a multi-lane road within built-up areas. This rule allows drivers to flexibly choose the lane that is most convenient for their direction of travel. An important question that is often asked is: “ For which motor vehicles does free lane choice apply within built-up areas? “ In principle, this rule applies to all multi-lane vehicles, as long as no special traffic signs or rules specify otherwise.

Legal regulations in Germany

In Germany, free lane selection is regulated by the Road Traffic Act (StVO). It states that in urban areas on roads with multiple lanes in one direction, all vehicles are free to choose their lane. The following table summarizes the basic legal regulations.

situation control
In town Free lane selection for all multi-lane vehicles
Motorways No free lane choice, drive on the right
Federal highways No free lane choice, drive on the right

The legislation thus enables more fluid traffic management within built-up areas, where different road users move at different speeds. There are further detailed provisions in the StVO for special regulations and frequently asked questions such as “ what does this traffic sign indicate? „

Knowledge of this rule and its correct application is important for all road users to avoid misunderstandings and potential traffic problems. For more information and tips on how to safely apply free lane selection, see our important points to note page .

Motor vehicles for which free lane selection applies

In road traffic, there are clear rules about which types of motor vehicles are entitled to free lane selection. This depends largely on the type of road on which they are driven.

In town

Within built-up areas, certain motor vehicles are allowed to use the free lane selection system. This means that they do not have to use a specific lane and can change lanes depending on the traffic situation. This regulation applies, among other things, to:

  • Car
  • Motorcycles
  • Vans
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The free choice of lanes within built-up areas enables more flexible driving and can improve traffic flow.

Vehicle type Free lane selection in urban areas
Car Yes
Motorcycles Yes
Vans Yes
Vehicles with trailers No
Truck No

You can read more about the special rules for vehicles with trailers and trucks on multi-lane roads .


On motorways, certain motor vehicles are allowed to use the free lane selection. Here, the rules are strict and limited to cars and motorcycles. These vehicles can change lanes to overtake or adapt to the traffic situation.

Vehicle type Free lane choice on motorways
Car Yes
Motorcycles Yes
Vans Yes
Vehicles with trailers No
Truck No

Driving on motorways requires extra caution and attention, especially at high speeds. Read more about the correct signals and driving maneuvers on motorways.

Federal highways

The regulations on free lane selection on federal roads are similar to those on motorways. The following vehicles can take advantage of this regulation:

  • Car
  • Motorcycles
  • Vans

Here, free lane selection is also designed to improve traffic flow and avoid unnecessary traffic jams.

Vehicle type Free choice of lanes on federal highways
Car Yes
Motorcycles Yes
Vans Yes
Vehicles with trailers No
Truck No

To learn more about the specific rules and tips for using Free Lane Selection safely, visit our Free Lane Selection Safety and Use Tips .

Overall, free lane selection applies to different vehicles, depending on the section of road, and it helps to make traffic safe and efficient. However, special caution and consideration are always required.

Special exceptions

While free lane selection applies to many motor vehicles in Germany, there are some exceptions and specific regulations that must be taken into account. These special exceptions concern, among other things, vehicles with trailers, trucks on multi-lane roads and other special regulations.

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Vehicles with trailers

Vehicles with trailers are subject to strict rules regarding lane selection. As a rule, they may only use the left lane if traffic makes it necessary and if they do not obstruct other road users. This applies in particular to motorways and multi-lane roads outside of towns.

Vehicle type Permitted lanes
Car with trailer Right or middle lane
Truck with trailer Right or middle lane

Erstaunliche fakten uber die freie fahrstreifenwahl bei kraftfahrzeugen (2)

Trucks on multi-lane roads

Trucks (lorries) have further restrictions on multi-lane roads. On motorways, for example, trucks over 3.5 tonnes may only use the left lane if there are enough lanes in their direction of travel and they do not obstruct other vehicles. On roads with three or more lanes in one direction, the left lane is often off-limits for trucks.

Other Special Rules

There are also other special rules that apply to certain types of vehicles or situations.

Emergency vehicles , such as fire brigades and rescue services, have free choice of lanes during special operations in order to be able to provide rapid assistance.

Bus lanes : Public transport vehicles are allowed to use special bus lanes. These lanes are usually off-limits to other vehicles.

For more detailed information on the rules of free lane selection and their application to different motor vehicles, visit our articles on what does this traffic sign indicate and important points to note .

It is important to always follow the applicable traffic rules to ensure road safety and avoid criminal consequences.

Tips on safety and using free lane selection

Free lane selection offers many benefits when used correctly. Here are some valuable safety and usage tips for free lane selection in motor vehicles.

Consideration for other road users

Consideration for other road users is essential to avoid accidents and ensure a smooth flow of traffic.

  • Keep your distance : It is important to keep a sufficient distance from other vehicles to allow enough reaction time.
  • Observe the rule of driving on the right : On motorways and federal highways you should always observe the rule of driving on the right, except when overtaking.
  • Eye contact : Try to make eye contact with other drivers, especially when changing lanes, to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Proceed with caution : Drive with foresight and avoid sudden braking or lane changes.
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Correct signals and driving maneuvers

Correct signaling and well-thought-out driving maneuvers are crucial to preventing accidents and increasing road safety.

  • Use your turn signal : Always use your turn signal before changing lanes or turning. This signals your intentions to other drivers.
  • Changing lanes : Only change lanes when there is enough space and the traffic situation allows it.
  • Adjust speed : Adjust your speed to suit current traffic and weather conditions.
maneuver Correct signaling Behave
Lane change Flash for at least 3 seconds Only change if there is enough space
Overtaking Signal before overtaking Keep to the right, overtake only on the left
Turn Flash early Reduce speed, watch the traffic behind you

Important points to note

Some important points should always be observed when using free lane selection to ensure road safety.

  • Regular checks : Check your mirrors and blind spots regularly to make sure there is no danger before changing lanes.
  • Pay attention to road markings : Pay attention to road markings and traffic signs that may provide specific rules and instructions. For more information, visit the article what does this traffic sign indicate.
  • Truck restrictions : Please note that trucks and vehicles with trailers are subject to special restrictions and should use the middle lane, especially on multi-lane roads.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the advantages of free lane selection and at the same time increase road safety. You can find further helpful information and articles on our internal links such as straightening curly hair or application for preventive care aok .

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